Dear Parent/Guardian:
The following is a step-by-step plan for getting ready for Cabrillo,
from the Workability and Transition department located at Harbor High
School. If your daughter/son is interested in attending Cabrillo
College please let Workability and Transition know. This is the
information needed.
1. Financial Aid: January is the time to apply for FAFSA
(Free Application for Federal Student Aid). Your student can get the
forms from the counseling office at Harbor High. I will contact your
son/daughter to let them know when they are in. If they are a client of
DOR, the FAFSA must be done whether you feel you would qualify or not.
2. Cabrillo Tours: Held in late February/early March.
Arranged by Transition Program.
3. Assessment Tests: Placement tests held in April or May for
graduating seniors planning to attend Cabrillo in the Fall. One may be
held at your student’s high school or your student may sign up with me
to take the assessment with extended time at Cabrillo. I recommend the
extended time.
4. Running Start: May 18, 2009, when graduating seniors get
priority registration. The students will be assisted by the Learning
Skills Program staff, as well as the Work- Ability staff. Parents are
When Workability and Transition Services receive further information,
including dates, times, etc., they will pass it on to your daughter/son.
If you have any questions, please phone Workability and Transition at
Harbor High School at 831/429-3476.